Who can use bursverenler.org for free?
Uploading photo, editing password and profile
I want to donate
Cancellation of membership and permanent deletion of data

Corporation Executives (Admins):
How to log in into Bursverenler admin panel?
Joining the site as a donator (person-institution)
How to apply for scholarships?
What kind of information is needed in the form sections?
How can I see the scholarship applicants?
Evaluation and scoring of applications
Sorting and enquiry of applications (search bar)
In-site communication with scholarship seeker
Following up the scholarship holder
Can institutions receive bequest? Can they campaign?
How can I follow up the donations?
Inquisition of donations at any given time
Inquisition of donations for a certain project
Demands coming from donator

Scholarship Seekers:
How to apply for a scholarship?
What kind of information is included in the form sections?
How is my application form evaluated?
How can I learn if I am awarded a scholarship?
To update or to change the application form
Having troube uploading your documents?
How to be in communication with institutions?

Scholarship Givers on Their Own Name:
Who can give a scholarship on their own name? How?
Frequently asked questions about giving a scholarship on behalf