Application Date: Every Day of the Year
Result Announcement Date: October 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025
How Does the Scholarship System Work?
Thanks to the partnership between the Yücel Cultural Foundation and Language Schools, students who are eligible for the language scholarship have part of their course fees covered by our Foundation, while the remaining amount is paid by the scholar. After successfully completing each level, the Foundation continues to support the scholar for the next level.
To apply, you must first complete your application via our website as outlined below. After evaluation by the scholarship selection committee, a number of scholars equal to the available quota are selected. After notifying the selected scholars, they are free to choose the language school they wish to attend and inform the Foundation of their decision.
Scholars are required to attend at least 60% of the classes. Otherwise, they will be obligated to repay the scholarship provided. Days missed due to health issues are exempt from the attendance requirement.
Please refer to (11.e) of the Scholarship Regulation.
Who Can Apply for the Scholarship?
All young people aged 18-26 can apply for the scholarship. You do not need to be a university student.
Once a scholar has been awarded the Language Scholarship, they can continue to the next levels in the same language, provided they meet the minimum success criteria at each level. However, scholars cannot switch to a different language. Our language scholarships are not limited to an annual term or a specific level.
You can only apply for one language. Duplicate applications will not be considered and may negatively impact your chances.
What is the Amount of the Language Scholarship, and How and When is it Paid?
The Language Scholarship for the 2024-25 academic year is 2,800 TL per level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). This amount is paid directly to the language education institution at the end of each term upon submission of an invoice. Any fees exceeding this amount must be covered by the scholar. If the scholar achieves a success rate of 80% or higher in a level, the Foundation increases the scholarship to 3,300 TL for the next level. This system is designed to encourage academic success.
Can a Scholar Choose Their Preferred Language School?
Scholars can register at their preferred language school within the scope of this scholarship. However, the amount covered by the Foundation is determined annually by the Foundation's Board of Directors, and any excess fees must be paid by the scholar.