When your foundation or association becomes a member of bursverenler.org, you will pay nothing for any of the services provided. Bursverenler.org is completely free of charge.
You will find access to 200.000 students, %53 of which is male and %47 of which is female, from all the universities of Turkey.
The system will warn you, if the student, you are planning to give scholarship, is receiving a scholarship from another institution.
Accuracy and authenticity of all the documents, uploaded by students, are checked by bursverenler.org. You will not have worry for forged documents.
The algorithm generated a system score for each student, so you can make the most even-handed selection.
You will have the oppurtunity to filter and list all the applicants, according to various criterias.
You can communicate with students directly via bursverenler.org. There will be no need to use a phone number or an e-mail address.
Students, who apply to your donation, will upload all their documents via our online platorm. So they will save on shipping cost.
You can reach all the documents, uploaded by applicants, with one click. You will also have the ability to download them.
All data can be exported to Excel, with only one click. So you can perform your own analyses over Excel.
All data are stored according to the law on the protection of personal data. Bursverenler.org is a VERBIS (Data Supervisors Registry Information System) member.
bursverenler.org works with 4 of the greatest banks in Turkey. You will have a new donation channel opened.
Your donatees can donate by from 2 to 6 instalments.
bursverenler.org does not intercede for donations of foundations and associations, but these institutions can take advantage of services, such as student selection and follow-up, free of charge.
Being a subject for our mailing, social media channels and web site, that reach the large masses, around 1 million, will put your institution on the map, and make your brand more popular.
bursverenler.org prepares a monthly report about all your applications and donations. In addition, you can view or download all the data, whenever you want.
Support service enables you to get technical service at any day of the year.
You can use bursverenler.org, along with your current scholarship awarding and donation system for free. You can keep your donations open for 365 days a year.