Career Planning Tool (CPT)


This is a special product offered within the scope of a collaboration with The price of the product, which is normally 1.490.-TL, has been specially set at 340.-TL exclusively for members. 40% of the revenue from this product will be allocated as scholarships to the members of When you purchase the product, you can immediately log in using the username and password you receive via email and, after completing the inventory, you can download the report prepared specifically for you in PDF format to your device.

All students who purchase this product will be granted free access to the "Successful Career Journey" webinar by Bora Serhat Çelik ( on October 15, 2024, at 20.00. (All students who attend the webinar will receive a participation certificate.)


  • It can be quickly applied to impatient young people,
  • Helps them to know themselves,
  • Identifies their natural interests and talents,
  • Provides career awareness,
  • Presents global professions suited to their personal characteristics,
  • Offers reasons to motivate them towards higher education,
  • It is a scientifically referenced, but not confusing, online inventory.

Career Planning Tool is defined by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration and adapted to Turkish culture. It ranks 962 professions from the most suitable to the least suitable. It analyzes your personal characteristics and reflects them objectively to you. It groups hundreds of professions according to educational and preparational levels, based on your personality and talent traits.

It matches your potential abilities with suitable career options. It can be applied in as little as 15 minutes. It immediately reports university departments recommended for you based on your personal characteristics and the professions suited to those characteristics.

For Students: “What can I become? Where do I stand in this life?”

For Parents: “What are my child's traits? With these traits, which professions would they be successful in?”

For Teachers: “How can I broaden my student’s horizons? How can I guide them?”

For Institutions: “How can I provide another satisfying, value-added service to our school’s students and parents?”

For Psychological Counseling and Guidance Departments: Provides quality answers to the questions: "How can I enrich my work in the field of career guidance? How can I provide resources for my student to set goals?"

To help individuals understand themselves and provide personal characteristics that will guide their career journey, the average five-page report includes the following sections:

  • General (Summary) Evaluation
  • The Top 30 Careers Most Suitable for You
  • Your Working Style and Preferred Environment
  • Your Interpersonal Relationship Attitudes
  • Your Thinking Style
  • Your Communication Success and Recommendations for Career Development

Offers Two Rich, Personalized Reports for Students

School guidance services are carried out in three areas: academic-educational, individual-social, and career fields. These reports by the CPA align with and complement the guidance services provided.

My Profession List and My Personal Traits Reports, Tailored for Students

These reports provide valuable feedback for the School Guidance Counselor, Class Advisor, parents, and the student.

They offer qualitative content for teachers in meetings with parents about the student.

They structure teacher-student meetings with objective data, enhancing the effectiveness of the discussions.

The school ensures that students set goals that concretize their future aspirations.


A person is who they are today due to their inherent traits and life experiences. These make them unique and influence what they can achieve in life. While the CPA evaluates the student's career interests and perceived abilities, it also comments on the personal traits that motivate their career orientations.

The rationale behind developing this scale is that a student's career choice is fundamentally a behavior that reflects their motivation, interests, personality, and abilities. A profession provides insights into the individuals practicing it, and the chosen profession reveals a person's self-perception, abilities, understanding of that profession, and desire to enter it. Therefore, the Career Planning Tool is more than just a career inventory.

The CPA's My Personal Traits report is based on two personality and career theories. It relies on the typology theory of John L. Holland (RIASEC), which is widely accepted in psychology, education, and human resources, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) approach. The aim of these theories is to explain individuals' behaviors and interactions with their environment and to help them achieve career satisfaction when choosing or changing a profession.


The years of schooling are a process in which an individual acquires the psychosocial skills needed to lead a fulfilling life. During this process, it is important to provide them with realistic information about who they are, who they can become, and what they can achieve in life. Because the future envisioned for the student must be a project that can be realized rather than just a dream, this information is crucial.

The CPA report provides a multifaceted reflection of the individual. It introduces the student to themselves, enabling them to gain awareness of their potential.

The evaluations in the CPA's My Personal Traits report are presented under the following headings:

  • General personal traits of the student
  • Top 30 professions most suitable for the student
  • Preferred work style and environment
  • Attitude in interpersonal relationships
  • Core occupational fields suitable for the student
  • Thinking style
  • Suggestions for communication success and career development

In this report by the Career Planning Tool, you will find a high-quality summary about the student that neither the student nor those who claim to "know them well" could easily put into words.


This is a personalized report where 962 professions, defined by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration and adapted to the culture of Turkey, are ranked from "most suitable" to "least suitable."

To our knowledge, no educational institution in Turkey or the world offers students an inventory output of this type, specifically ranked according to personal characteristics.

This internationally defined professions list is important because it helps students find a place for themselves in the global career landscape, which is the goal of their families and the institutions that raise them.

Unlike other career tests, the CPA matches specific professions defined by personal characteristics. Beyond offering a general evaluation such as field, sector, or profession group, it ranks 962 professions determined according to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) by suitability for the individual, specifying the compatibility levels as percentages (%) and in five levels.

The CPA utilizes O*NET OnLine, a constantly evolving resource recognized as the world's most successful human resource database.

The MY PROFESSIONS LIST report also recommends higher education programs.

In Turkey, there are hundreds of undergraduate and associate degree programs. However, young people are preparing for the future without being aware of all these programs. The CPA not only ranks nearly 1,000 professions based on personal characteristics but also suggests which higher education programs can lead to these professions.

Research shows that many people in the workforce are employed in professions that do not align with the fields they graduated from. To prevent students from experiencing this as a career planning mistake, the higher education program recommendations in the CPA are crucial.

With this study, students can view professions that suit their personal characteristics and the educational programs that lead to these professions in a single report.

As is well known, the preparation level required for each profession is different. The preparation process required for a profession like immunology or agricultural technician varies according to the skills required. The CPA shows this in a separate column in the My Professions List report. With the report's filtering feature, professions are presented according to their preparation level while maintaining the personal compatibility ranking.

The CPA algorithm, which works with thousands of lines of code and data filling up to a hundred thousand cells, provides unique and valuable guidance to young people, adding significant value to their lives.