“HAVE YOUR SAY” Video Contest Specifications
1) Name of the Contest: “HAVE YOUR SAY” Video Contest. Yücel Kültür Vakfı and bursverenler.org platform will be referred to as “organizing institutions”. Regulation and execution belong to organizing institutions.
2) Purpose of the Contest: The contest aims to create awareness for donation in the society, in order to provide scholarships for youngsters, who cannot benefit from right to education sufficiently, because of economic inefficacies, and to create scholarship opportunities for more youngsters, by promoting bursverenler.org, that is established with the mission of giving scholarship. In line with this purpose, it is targeted for more institutions and organizations to contribute education of youngsters, with social responsibility projects.
3) Theme of the Contest: Puting across the scholarship opportunities, provided by bursverenler.org, to the society, via “HAVE YOUR SAY” Video Contest.
4) Category of the Contest: The contest will be evaluated in two categories.
a. Best video to direct persons and institutions to contribute to education (Donation Category)
Videos, deemed suitable to publish by the Jury in Donation Category, will be published via YouTube and the audience is going to vote for their favorite videos. Most time favorited video, will be prized as the first of category.
b. Best video to promote bursverenler.org (Scholarship Category)
Videos, deemed suitable to publish by the Jury in Scholarship Category, will be published via YouTube and the audience is going to vote for their favorite videos. Most time favorited video, will be prized as the first of category.
5) Rules of Participation:
a) Entering the contest is free of charge.
b) All contestant must be age 18, or older.
c) Entering the contest, is open for both amateurs and professionals in video category. Employees of the organizing institutions, hury members and their immediate families cannot participate in the contest.
d) Each contestant can participate with maximum 5 (five) videos for both two categories in total.
For each category, contestants must upload their videos via participation form and specify the category to compete in.
e) Duration of videos must be minimum 40, maximum 300 seconds, including credits and titles; and must have a minimum resolution of 720p (1280x720). The video format must be .MP4.
f) The contestant accepts, declares and guarantees that the video, sent for contest, belongs completely to self and all permissions are got. Contrary behavior is considered as violation of contract and in such cases, the contestant assumes full responsibility.
g) The contestant must add a tagline to each video sent for the contest.
h) Every kind of interference and updates on the video, that aims to show it as it belongs to the contestant, although it is not, and to misguide the assessing authority, will be regarded as tainting.
i) Prizes, titles and all kind of gainings will be revocated from the infringers. The contestant must return the prize immediately, in such cases.
j) Organizing institutions will have the rights to reward, exhibit, publish (as a whole, or edited versions), reproduce, share, etc. the videos, that are sent for the contest.
k) Contestants and video senders will be deemed to have accepted all the articles in this specification.
l) Contest results will be announced on www.bursverenler.org ve www.yucelkulturvakfi.org web sites, and social media accounts of Yücel Cultural Foundation and bursverenler.org.
m) Announcement of award winners will be made on the prize-giving ceremony and the prizes will be given during that ceremony.
6) Usage of Videos and Royalty
a) Besides rights of publishing, copyright and usage; organizing institutions will also have the financial rights of processing, reproducing, spreading, perfonnance and communication tp the public, as it is identified on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th articles of Law on Intellectual and Artisitic Works numbered 5846, respectively. These videos will be archived by organizing institutions. Owners acqiuiesce in the claim for usage of videos and slogans. All videos will be processed as purchased by organizing institutions, with all authors royalties. Contestants declare that; the work belongs completely to them, and undertakes criminal and civil liability against all intellectual property rights, such as royalty, neighboring rights, quotation, plagiarism etc., that can be put forward by third parties, as a result of publishing, copywright, usage, exhibiting, processing, reproduction, distribution etc., personally.
b) Videos or excerpts from the videos can be used by organizing institutions, for their events, training activities, exhibitons, printed and digital catalogues (including mobile platforms), web sites, mobile applications, social media accounts or journals; printed, digital or mobile versions can be used on promotional materials such as agendas, posters, calendars, bags, boxes, etc., printed publications and digital media, books, advertisements, leaflets etc., TV programs, TV commercials and all kind of media, when needed, for advertorial, promotional and educational purposes and so on, without paying an additional royalty, on condition that names of the owners are indicated. (Unless the field size restrains the name, to be written.) The contestants declare and undertake that they approve making no request dependin on these in advance.
c) The contestants declare and undertake that, they give approval and explicit consent for not making any additional request besides the prize, in case the video is exhibited by organizing institutions, or included in any work, that comprises the catalogue, published with the same theme after the contest, by means of indicating the names of the videos that are deemed worthy of an award or exhibiting. In addition, the contestants declare and undertake that, they give approval and explicit consent for usage of their personal data in compliance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, numbered 6698, in consequence of the contest herein.
d) Usage of videos for purposes other than contest is subject to permission of the contestant.
e) The video must be prepared completely by the contestant. All criminal liability, that may be caused from usage of works by third parties, completely or partially, belongs to the participant.
f) Persons, seen on the videos, are accepted to have permitted to appear in the video, the video to be sent to a contest, and to be published on the internet or media organs. All responsibility of disputes, caused by usage herein, belongs to the contestants. Contestants can apply by filling the application form, and uploading their video via this link. With the application, contestants are considered to have read the articles of specification and to have accepted the terms of the contest. This specification enters into force, as the contestant fills the application form for “HAVE YOUR SAY” Video Contest. Contestants will have no right of opposition post facto.
g) Organizing institutions may add YouTube cards, logo, credits, etc., while publishing videos.
7) Publishing: As from the start of the contest, videos that are selected to be deemed worthy of an award or exhibiting will be published by organizing institutions via YouTube and social media channels.
8) Organisation and Jury Member: Yücel Cultural Foundation Secretary General M. Haluk Kula, bursverenler.org Executive Enis Ertuna, Boğaziçi Jazz Choir Conductor & Art Director Masis Aram Gözbek, Graphic Design Artist Gözde Ergüç, Yücel Cultural Foundation Scholarship Coordinator Aslıcan Kömeçoğlu, Yücel Cultural Foundation Social Media Specialist Burçak Görgün Çınar; jury can convene with at least 5 members.
9) Contest Calendar:
Starting Date: 10 May 2021
Scholarship Category Deadline for Participation: 31 July 2021, at 18.00
Assessment Meeting of Jury for Scholarship Category: 3 August 2021
Putting Videos to Vote for Scholarship Category: 4 August 2021
Deadline for Voting: 4 September 2021
Donation Category Deadline for Participation: 31 July 2021, at 18.00
Assessment Meeting of Jury for Donation Category: 3 August 2021
Putting Videos to Vote for Donation Category: 4 August 2021
Deadline for Voting: 4 September 2021
Exhibition and Award Ceremony: 6 September 2021
10) Prizes: Separately for both categories
First Prize, with the highest number of votes for Scholarship Category 7.500,00.-TL
First Prize, with the highest number of votes for Donation Category 7.500,00.-TL
11) Contest Secretariat
Contact: https://www.yucelkulturvakfi.org/bv/contact-us.html#/
E-mail Address: info@yucelkulturvakfi.org