Being an undergraduate student (Students in need has priority.)
It is provided for 27 undergraduate students, for 10 months, as monthly 1.000.-TL.
Scholarship applications will be valid for 1 year.
The scholarship is deposited in a bank account, opened in the name of the student. (For scholars 18 or older.)
At the end of school year, an evaluation is made according to academic staning of the student.
The applications are evaluated in a term, announced by Scholarship Committee, and finalized.
Scholarship amount and number of scholars are reevaluated by the Education Committee at the beginning of each academic year, considering potentiality of the company, and the suggestions are submitted to Executive Board.
1 photo
Document of financial standing
Student certificate
Criminal record
Copy of the birth certificate
Certificale of domicile (max. 3 months old) (Because there is no separate section in the form for domicile, you can upload it to any document section you want, and write down the name of the section, that you uploaded the certificate of domicile, on the additional remarks section.)